'Angler' 3/4

Code Name: ‘Angler’

If it fits in its maw, it can and will eat it. “Anglers” have poor eyesight (compounded by their cloudy environments), so they rely on their bioluminescent growths as guides. Prey drawn to its front lure are swiftly eaten head-first, while those distracted by its tail are blindsided in a quick - often fatal - swipe before consumption. Its throat sack is capable of expanding up to five times its normal size.

Surprisingly, “Anglers” have two methods of hunting. Their routine involves either swimming near the bottom of a lake, or skimming the surface of a river. For surface-dwelling prey, “Anglers” can launch themselves with their powerful tails and arms.

Behavior: casual swimmer; ambush hunter; may surface to relax

Diet: anything drawn to its lures (typically fish or nocturnal animals)

Habitat: deep murky lakes or rivers

Intelligence: dull

Gills can breathe air as well as water.

Size comparison

Size comparison

 Concept Evolution
