REVIEW: Struggling

Developer: Chasing Rats Games
Publisher: Frontier Foundry
Released: 2020
Platforms: Steam | PS4 | Switch | Xbox One

This game’s trailer caught my eye because it gave me nostalgia for Tri-Achnid (a little Flash Game by Binding of Isaac’s Ed McMillon). As a fleshy conglomeration named Achilles and Hector - together referred to as “Troy” - you platform, solve puzzles, and crawl to your goal with this game’s (purposefully) wonky physics.

For the Switch version, Troy’s arms are independently controlled with each JoyCon. The physics engine can be frustrating (as expected from the genre), but they’re consistent and fair. Checkpoints are spaced out just right, encouraging that “Just one more run” mindset. 

Should Troy’s arms bug out, he can instantly generate new ones. I have no idea if this is a groundbreaking feature to the genre, but I greatly appreciate it nevertheless.

Troy only receives two upgrades, but they’re constantly implemented in following levels. One allows him to detach and remote control his arms to reach tight spaces, or even link together as a rope. The other allows him to slow down time (and the physics engine, by extension) to help nail difficult platforming sections.

Struggling’s edgy humor can be hit or miss, and I hated its ending (more on that in Best/Worst), but it’s solid from a gameplay perspective.


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