Spearow Family

Time to review the “other” generic bird of Gen I!

Aesthetically, Spearow struts a little more than Pidgey. While it uses a similarly drab color scheme, it varies how those colors are applied and textured. Its solid black backside rests against a pale belly adorned with thin stripes. Most of Spearow’s feathers are properly groomed, but its head is wild and unkempt. It helps Spearow’s design avoid being completely bland.

Over the years, Spearow’s head has been illustrated in different ways. They’re relatively small changes, but I find it interesting how they impact Spearow’s look. In some games and episodes of the Anime, its feathers are sharp like quills.

But in other instances, its feathers look softer and fluffier:

I’m a sucker for pointy and sharp, but the fluffier approach also has its merits. For one, it better emulates how real feathers can be shaped on a bird. And as previously mentioned, it throws more variety in Spearow’s design so that not all of its body is sleek and well-groomed.

Out of the early-game bird Pokémon, Spearow is the territorial and aggressive one. The angry eyes don’t seem like a joke on this tiny bird; they mean serious business! With just a small hook in its bill, it looks like it could dish out a harsher peck! Spearow’s design compliments its personality well.

Thumbs Up!

It’s hard for me to pinpoint how I feel about Fearow. I see the potential for a good concept, but I’m just so sick of staring at brown Pokemon. Fearow’s feathers are putting me in a boredom-filled coma right now.

Here, enjoy this palette I generated of all the brown Pokémon reviewed up to this point, with Weedle at the far left and Fearow at the right:


I guess if there’s nothing to talk about with Fearow’s colors, I’ll focus on its other features instead.

Fearow appears to be a mix of birds such as storks and vultures, with the comb on its head akin to chickens. On paper, that sounds like an excellent concept. But in execution, the presentation is lackluster.

I don’t know why, but Fearow looks so cool and yet so boring to me. Even when put in a dynamic pose, I still have the same reaction. It’s maddening to feel two sides of the emotional spectrum at the same time.

Now, there are a couple details on Fearow that I enjoy without conflict. The simple crooked shape of its beak makes it pop out from its face. I also find the downy feathers that span its entire backside a nice touch.

Encountering wild Fearow in Moon Version also reminded me how much more interesting it looks in motion.

There’s nothing super noteworthy about Fearow in the Pokédex, so that’s unfortunately all I can say about it. It’s a shame that I find Fearow simultaneously nice but also bland to look at.



Ekans Family


Rattata Family