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NPC: The rat on the first-floor apartment

Slumptown is designed so the player can navigate the bulk of the map in a straight line. This is great from a game design perspective, as the player doesn’t have unnecessary platforming to move around.

The game breaks the 4th wall by pointing out how this practical design is at the expense of the citizens. This poor rat grabbed a lucrative low-rent deal for his apartment, only to learn that it doesn’t have doors. People are constantly walking past him, but there’s nothing he can do about it.

Boss: Hissing Heart

The worm’s heart attacks with defibrillators! Clever! The fight is only moderately difficult, so I like it more for the concept.

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Weeb cringe

If the game’s name wasn’t a dead giveaway, Slime-san is full of references to otaku culture. And in my opinion, it’s not commentary; its mere existence is the punchline.

Stop. No. That’s the tackiest, most obnoxious idea no matter where in the world the devs come from. Why is it here? Is the worm itself a vore fetish joke? 

Great, my website’s SEO is now cursed for typing that…

Boss: Unbeaten Uvula

This fight felt too easy to me for a late-game boss.

Humorously, this uvula has a smaller uvula in its mouth, and I presume an even smaller one in that.

Almost all bosses are spoiled in the trailer

If you watched the trailer in the main article - whoops. Sure, they only appear for a few seconds, but the giant fanged brain or rockin’ uvula lose some of their punch when I know they’re showing up.

Screen: “Looping Lasers”

I have no idea why, but this room will teleport Slime-san without warning. It’s the only room of its kind, and it’s obnoxious when trying to grab the apple over a death pit. 

I looked up a guide, and even the author found it confusing. We both resorted to a different slime to cheese and reliably outrun the seemingly random teleport.

Moving foreground

The first time I tried out Slime-san, it made me physically ill. The whole game has a two-layer border that’s a dissection of the worm’s body, and it’s always pulsating. My footage and screenshots lack the second layer because I spent apples to swap it out. To my knowledge, you can’t replace the innermost guts. Don’t be surprised if your eyes need an adjustment period to deal with the nauseating movement.

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